Stalking and intimate partner abuse
The association between post-relationship stalking and intimate partner abuse that occurs during a relationship is poorly understood and under-researched. Researchers at the Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science have investigated this relationship by looking at intimate partner abuse during a relationship and stalking after its end, and the psychological characteristics associated with going on to stalk an ex-partner. The results of this research are summarised here:
McEwan, T.E., Shea, D.E., Nazarewicz, J. & Senkans, S. (2017). Re-assessing the link between stalking and intimate partner abuse. Partner Abuse, 8(2), 223-250
Senkans, S., McEwan, T.E. & Ogloff, J.R.P. (2017). Assessing the link between intimate partner violence and post-relationship stalking: A gender-inclusive study. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Advance online publication.